Persona button set


  • Default
  • I am thou, thou art I ($2.00)
  • S.E.E.S. ($2.00)
  • Take your heart ($2.00)
  • The Velvet Room - Admit One ($2.00)
  • Persona - I'll show you mine if you show me yours ($2.00)
  • Everything's great at your Junes ($2.00)
  • Three buttons (specify designs at checkout) ($5.00)
  • Magnet, single (specify design) ($4.00)
  • Keychain, single (specify design) ($7.00)

Payment Methods

Visa Mastercard Amex Discover Jcb Diners Paypal


A set of 1.5-inch diameter buttons inspired by Atlus's Persona 3, Persona 4, and Persona 5 videogames. Buttons are also available individually, in packs of three, or as a magnet or keychain. If choosing one of these options, at checkout, in the dialog box that says, "Leave a note for Black Unicorn Wood," please indicate which design you want.